Better Answers.
For men with BPH, maintaining a healthy, properly functioning bladder is key to long-term health and well-being. The UroCuff Test measures bladder function during voiding and provides important insights to optimize BPH care.
How Hard is Your Bladder Working?
If you’re like many men over 50, you’re planning to see a doctor with some concerns about urination. Or perhaps you’ve already been prescribed a medication for BPH. In either case, it is important for you and your urologist to understand how your bladder is functioning during your void. The non-invasive UroCuff Test can provide better answers about your symptoms.
The best predictor of symptom relief is a healthy, functioning bladder.
For men with BPH, maintaining a healthy, properly functioning bladder is key to long-term health and well-being. Your bladder’s ability to “pump” urine out of the body is directly related to BPH symptoms like frequency (going often), nocturia (going often at night), hesitancy (trouble starting), poor stream, and dribbling.
Depending on the health of your bladder, your symptoms and your overall health, you and your urologist will determine the best options to treat your prostate.
What is The UroCuff Test?
The UroCuff Test provides your urologist with information about your bladder function to better understand the causes of your symptoms. The UroCuff is a non-invasive diagnostic test for male urinary disorders (LUTS). This test allows your urologist to collect important data about your bladder function while you urinate.
How It Works
The UroCuff Test measures the amount of pressure generated by your bladder, your urine flow rate and amount of urine that you void.
- A pneumatic cuff is fitted to penis.
- Patient begins to void into a flow meter.
- The cuff inflates until flow is interrupted.
- Cuff rapidly deflates, allowing flow to resume.
- Cycle repeats until the patient is empty.
- Bladder function is determined from interruption pressure vs. flow rate.
- The UroCuff report summarizes the results on a modified nomogram.